Recipe search now includes suggestions for the keywords listed anywhere in a phrase, beginning with the most popular terms first to try to get you to your results faster. For example, searching 'salmon' will bring up results containing the word salmon, not just beginning with the word.
To search by a user's name, please include 'by' in your search. For example, searching 'Carol' will bring up recipes with 'Carol' in the recipe title as well as username, while searching 'by Carol' will only show recipe results submitted by users named Carol.
The advanced search option has moved to within the search option. We are working on providing an ingredient-specific search tool in the future. To see more results, use fewer search terms. For example, a search for 'fried chicken sandwich' will have more results than 'deep fried chicken sandwich'.
When searching ambiguous terms (such as dinner, breakfast, Mexican, Cinco de Mayo, and dessert), our search now returns suggestions that may fit into those categories.